lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Preguntas curiosas

  • Alumna A: Miss Juanita... How is the perfect man for you?
  • Miss Juanita: People... I´m busy... see... a mountain of books...
  • Alumna B: Ya pues Miss.... Just a second! Tell us! How is the perfect man for you?
  • Miss Juanita: Wel... Human...
  • Alumna C: AaAaAy no pues Miss.... I mean how is he ... you know... how he looks? Or... like who?
  • Miss Juanita: mMmM... Do you really want to know who is the perfect man for me?
  • Alumnas A, B y C: Yes Miss! Tell Us! Please!
  • Miss Juanita: Well... my perfect man... is ... Thom Yorke.
  • Alumnas A, B y C: Thom WHO?!
  • Miss Juanita: Thom Yorke... first name T-H-O-M and surname Y-O-R-K-E, he is a singer, google him and tell me tomorrow what do you think about him...
  • Alumnas A, B y C: Ok... ?

Algo estamos avanzando... y me siento bien.
Mañana! KISS!


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